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High-performance & Anonymous Seedbox

Our seedbox provide powerful VPS environments, complete customization, and the tools you need to prioritize your online anonymity.

Build your perfect seedbox
seedbox panel

Instant Setup, Unlimited Potential

Get your private seedbox online in minutes with our streamlined deployment. Our dedicated control panel simplifies management, letting you focus on maximizing your performance.

Your Seedbox, Your Rules

Take complete ownership of your setup with full root access. Install any software, fine-tune configurations, and create the ultimate seedbox environment tailored to your exact needs.

Expert Support, Always Available

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, we want you to unleash the full power of your seedbox. Our team provides tailored advice and proactive solutions.

Fast, Private, Powerful Seedboxes

Experience lightning-fast speeds, total privacy, and the performance you need.

Choose your plan

Casual Seeder


Enthusiast Seeder


Super Seeder



$9.99 /month

Get Started

$20.99 /month

Get Started

$30.99 /month

Get Started


1.2 TB 2.4 TB 4.8 TB


15 TB 20 TB Unlimited


1 Gbps 1 Gbps 1 Gbps


3 GB 5 GB 7 GB


2 4 6

SSH Access

Dedicated IP

Easy App Install

Control Panel

24/7 Support

Expert Support Our Customers Love

At UltraBoxHosting, our dedicated support team is ready to help you handle the complexities of server management. Reach out through email or live chat during our core business hours for assistance with everything from initial setup to ongoing maintenance and performance monitoring. We focus on the details so your server operates efficiently, making your success our priority. We are committed to supporting your growth every step of the way.

technical support

Frequently Asked Questions

A seedbox is a remote server that allows you to download and upload files through BitTorrent at high speeds. It acts as an intermediary between you and the torrent swarm, offering several advantages over traditional torrenting, such as faster speeds, improved privacy, and better manageability.

There are several benefits to using a seedbox, including:

  1. Faster download and upload speeds: Seedboxes are typically located in data centers with high-bandwidth connections, allowing you to download files much faster than with a home internet connection.
  2. Improved privacy: When you use a seedbox, your IP address is hidden from other peers in the torrent swarm, protecting your online privacy.
  3. Better manageability: Seedboxes offer a user-friendly interface for managing your torrents, including the ability to pause, resume, prioritize, and schedule downloads.
  4. 24/7 availability: Your seedbox is always online, so you can download and upload files even when your computer is turned off.
  5. Security: Seedboxes can help to protect your computer from malware and other security threats that can sometimes be associated with torrenting.

A seedbox is specifically designed for torrenting, while a VPN can be used for a wider range of purposes, such as browsing the web anonymously and accessing geo-restricted content. However, some seedboxes also include VPN functionality.

While our control panel is based on Swizzin, we have customized it extensively to provide a more streamlined and user-friendly experience for our seedbox users. We have removed unnecessary features and functionalities and added functionalities specific to our seedbox offerings.

Our friendly customer support team is always happy to help you with any questions you may have about using the custom control panel. You can contact us via live chat, email, or ticket system.

Usually delivery is instant after successful payment, but in some cases it can take upto 2 hours.

We accept majority of payment methods. It includes Credit and Debit Cards, Paypal, Bitcoin(BTC), and other crypto currencies(Ethereum, Litecoin, and more)

Checkout Our Other Products

Linux Virtual Private Servers

  • Harness the power of our Linux VPS solutions, designed for those who need robust performance and scalable resources.
  • Enjoy full control with root access – customize your server environment according to your specific needs.
  • Benefit from instant deployment, allowing you to get started immediately with minimal setup time.
  • Ideal for developers, tech startups, and businesses requiring a stable, secure, and high-performing hosting environment.
  • Supported by a dedicated team, providing 24/7 technical assistance to ensure your operations run smoothly.

Start From

$9.99 /mo Buy Linux VPS

Private Windows RDP

  • Discover the power of our Private Windows RDP, tailored for seamless remote desktop access starting from $14.99 /mo
  • Our VPS packages are engineered to provide robust performance and high-speed functionality. With configurations boasting up to 8 CPU cores and 12 GB memory.
  • Storage is never a concern, thanks to our generous allocations up to 1200 GB, ensuring ample space for all your data-intensive operations.
  • Benefit from unlimited bandwidth, allowing your services to run unhindered, providing you and your end-users with seamless connectivity.
  • Your Windows VPS is set up instantly, ensuring you are up and running with zero downtime, offering you and your clients an uninterrupted service experience.

Start From

$9.99 /mo Buy Windows VPS